Thursday, September 13, 2007

EFX2blogs Online

Scottitude Reports efx2 is back online. The new URL is Keith left a message on the main page, some of which Scottitude relayed.


Libertine said...

I registered for the new EFX, but it won't allow me to log in, telling me each and every time that I've got the "wrong" password, though I entered the one they gave me. Keith posted a new posted, saying that he'd reloaded something or other and that we'd all have to register again, this time using lowercase letters, but when I tried to do so, it told me I was already registered...and it still won't accept the password....sigh.

Treva L Van Fossen said...

Well, that sucks!
I figured, I would wait a spell before doing it. I had a feeling, I needed to hold off for some reason. Maybe, this is it.

WoF was able to sign in. She told me that Eclectablog and some others had done it already. Damned thing picking on you, or what?