Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Plan for a New American Century (P.N.A.C.)

In earlier posts (and no doubt future ones) I've made references to the Plan for a New American Century (P.N.A.C.). There was a website dedicated to it, created by someone connected to the Bush administration, but since the publicity of that site became widespread to the informed masses that clicked the links to the P.N.A.C. site to see for themselves, the pages on that website have been removed. Nevertheless, we won't let it go. And somewhere around this cyberspace, I'll again find copies that were made of that website's pages where screen shots and duplications of images and source codes were copied. (I should have done this myself.) Nevertheless, some of you may be in the dark about what P.N.A.C. is and why it's caused such a great stir. Thus, I'll be adding references to it and attempt to connect the dots (some of them) as they're relative to P.N.A.C.'s agenda. Here's a link to one of those resources: The Project for the New American Century. You'll find a link on that page to lead you to other articles on this topic.

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