While the Bush Cartel and their media pundits, including dim -witted citizen fans, defend their lies with more lies that they're promoting democracy in Iraq, I return to the matter of election fraud. I may have said this before in an earlier post, but I reiterate that any American willing to pretend that fraud was not committed during an election and is critical of those that offer evidence to prove otherwise is not a patriotic American. I don't care if they literally wrap themselves in the U.S. flag, because any traitor can hide behind the flag and claim to love America and support American values as outlined by the Bill of Rights, while also participating in destroying all that is good in and of America merely by turning a blind eye to attacks on the best protections outlined in the U.S. Constitution. Such people are hypocrites and, in a sense, enemies of Democracy.
Walden O'Dell, chief executive of Diebold Inc, an active and strong supporter of Bush's candidacy and the Republican party is one powerful enemy we must overcome. He sent an Aug. 14th letter that went out the day before another possible domestic enemy - Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell (a Republican) prepared "to qualify Diebold as one of three firms eligible to sell upgraded electronic voting machines to Ohio counties in time for the 2004 election," according to the Cleveland, Ohia based Plain Dealer news report at cleveland.com, which appeared on this page. The report went on to explain the close ties and loyal support between O'Dell, Bush and the other Republican candidates, and I do mean close:
"O'Dell attended a strategy pow-wow with wealthy Bush benefactors - known as Rangers and Pioneers - at the president's Crawford, Texas, ranch earlier this month. The next week, he penned invitations to a $1,000-a-plate fund-raiser to benefit the Ohio Republican Party's federal campaign fund - partially benefiting Bush - at his mansion in the Columbus suburb of Upper Arlington."
After learning about the obvious indications of conflicts of interest, where O'Dell may likely insure that his money and efforts to re-elect Bush and support other candidates are well spent, Democrats are now reacting, hopefully in time to prevent more attacks on our democracy via election fraud, starting this week with Democrats now questioning "the propriety of allowing O'Dell's company to calculate votes in the 2004 presidential election."
What appeared to be a cut-and-dry effort to insure that Diabold would make certain that candidates in his favorite party would appear to win the election, disqualified bidder, Sequoia Voting Systems threw a wrench in their plans, thereby delaying Diabold's and the neocons' intended effort to completely rob us of our Constitutional right to a fair election by taking their issues to court over the unfair selection process, thereby forcing Ohio's Republican Secretary of State's move to announce that Diabold had qualified (perhaps erroneously) to count votes (and throw away the ones for his party's opponents).
House Representative Holt, of New Jersey has introduced a bill to provide paper copies of votes to each voter. It's time that America's patriots revolted. Let's start by contacting our representatives in Congress to encourage them to support this bill and to contact Rep. Holt to thank him and offer our support (as I've already done). And for those of us with Representatives that are members of the Republican party, we must warn them that refusing to support this bill is an admission that they object to fair elections and that they're obviously inside players, or they're accessories to the criminals and whatever crimes they're committing. It helps to remind them that we refuse to allow another election year to pass where violations are made. Let them know, "We aren't putting up with this any longer."
I'll be commenting more with a focus on non-violent revolution, like ways of applying pressure on powerful corporate executives that contribute generously to political campaigns of candidates that have been chipping away at our rights. It's time we stepped up our efforts. I don't mean by protesting, but finding ways to get through to the half-witted sector of our society, the brainwashed and the lazy-ass apathetic ones that add up to the dead weight in our path to progress. We're going to need to be more strategic and we need to really get this together ASAP, long before the 2004 election. Meanwhile, be sure to contact your Congressional Representative and offer up the challenge, "You're either with us (for protecting democracy) or you're against us (and willing to help the Republicans to destroy democracy). If your Representative is in on this, or you have reason to suspect that he/she is, then it's time to campaign throughout your district to insure that everybody knows the Rep. in question hates democracy and supports cheating us out of our votes. Bring the bastards down from their ivory towers. Also, be sure to apply powerful and unrelenting pressure on their voting supporters while striving to break them from their brainwashed-trance.
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