Saturday, February 07, 2004

Grim Facts

Thanks to for creating the calanders showing the number and names of troops killed in Iraq and some killed in Afghanistan from March 2003, to Feb. 3, 2004, as of this post: Calander of U.S. Military Dead During Iraq War.

If you're an American and you oppose the draft to replace dying soldiers with new targets in Iraq, please tell Congress Don't Draft Our Youth! The petition is available on Libertarian presidential candidate, Aaron Russo's website.

For those that support the draft, the war in Iraq, and the chickenhawks in Congress and in the Bush regime, I have an idea. If the war, Bush, oil and Bush regime lies mean so much to these people, they can spare the lives of our young men and women by volunteering to go in their place. So, let's encourage these war mongers to risk their lives, instead. Better yet, let's just bring our troops home. Enough people have died, already.

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